Build An Inclusive

CherishClub’s research-backed programs help companies create inclusive workplace cultures and connect women with the peer support they need to reach their goals.

Build An Inclusive

CherishClub’s research-backed programs help companies create inclusive workplace cultures and connect women with the peer support they need to reach their goals.

We Understand Your Challenges

As a leader, it can be disheartening when your top-performing female staff leave due to the strain of balancing work responsibilities and family duties. Additionally, the productivity of excellent female employees may decline after they start a family.

This is not just a staff retention challenge… It's an inclusion issue as much as it's a mental health issue ...

The Invisible Ripple Effect

Let us help you address the untold impact of the invisible ripple effect caused by depressed staff, which can have far-reaching and devastating consequences for your company's culture. Simply hiring a DEI Director won't solve this complex issue.

But here's the good news – you have the power to equip working mothers to contribute effectively to your company's growth.

Introducing Our Innovative

Coaching Programs

Dedicated to mothers in the workplace, Our programs focuses on empowering working mothers in life management and work productivity, enabling them to overcome challenges and make significant contributions to your organization's success.

Explore Our Signature Company Programs

Our diversity, equity, and inclusion programs equip every woman with the knowledge and tools

they need to create a more inclusive workplace culture

Our diversity, equity, and inclusion programs equip every woman with the knowledge and tools they need to create a more inclusive workplace culture


Group learning & coaching for all mothers, to navigate wellbeing, self- confidence, leadership, personal growth, and family stability, for improved performance at work


Intensive challenge coupled with 1:1 coaching and practice, with professionals, managers, & leaders, on maximizing their time at work and reaching a good life balance


Training to professionals, managers, & leaders, on mindfulness, improved mental health, and wellbeing, to promote a healthy work environment, where colleagues thrive and perform better on their job as a result

Why CherishClub?

We’ve helped thousands of companies create more productive workplaces for women where everyone is empowered and supported. Women of all identities who participate in our training programs consistently report feeling better equipped to confront depression and mental health issues, and women who are part of community say they feel more prepared to take on new challenges at work.

Sense of control (over work life)

More effective at work

Improved impact of work on personal life

More effective as mother / in family



Improved self- confidence

Improved impact of personal life on work

Take on new challenges at work

Sense of control (over work life)

More effective at work

Improved impact of work on personal life

More effective as mother / in family



Improved self- confidence

Improved impact of personal life on work

Take on new challenges at work

"I definitely recommend cherishclub to any working mum in any kind of career”

“Especially if maintaining your career progression is your objective / or even if you wanted to be a stay-at home mum, you certainly have life objectives. I got results super-fast, almost immediately upon starting the program. We were achieving an important goal each week. Each session was tailored to my needs and really addressed my pain points, in a super monumental way."


Curious To See How We Can Help Your Company Too?

It's very simple. Here's our short process that make sure we only work with people who are a good fit.

Get Our Free Female

Leader Profile

An assessment of the context of working mothers in your company and insights on what actions you can take as a manager, leader, or organization.

Initiate With Us

a Pilot

With up to 10 women in your company (we determine together a specific package for your organization, including potential cost-sharing with staff).

Hold Debrief


With our team to learn from results based on feedback from staff, impact indicators, as well as new and deep insights that may improve HR management overall in your company.

Incorporate The


Incorporate the program everywhere in your company, as a by-default “onboarding” when a staff is about to or becomes a parent.

Our Unique And Impactful Learning Model

Virtual Masterclasses

Support to mothers just returning from maternity leave on nanny, baby sleep, physical & mental wellbeing, couple relationship, and productive return to work

1:1 & Group Coaching

Expert guidance through

powerful questions, to reach

new resolutions and horizons; individually or in groups


Consecutive days of consistent experiencing of proven practices to learn new habits, including on productivity, mindfulness & wellbeing, building self- confidence, etc.

Private Community

Of fellow mothers to build resilience on the motherhood journey

Online Library

Platform for self- paced learning through videos and ebooks, and lifetime access

Organizational Wellbeing Tracker

Personalized experiences, valuable resources, scoring, and actionable insights empowering employers.


"This program is changing lives!!!"

"The insights from the program have been amazing and I'm so glad the reception from colleagues has been so positive. Thank you for this wonderful initiative, you are changing lives!!!"

Susan, South Africa

HR, Global international Development organization

"I feel changes since the program"

"I am learning how to delegate, track and plan my time and use my most productive hours for the "big, heavy tasks". This has allowed me to be a more present parent, partner and friend when I'm outside the work environment."

Joy, Kenya

Manager, International Development Organization

"Quality of service and follow up are unique."

"Cherishclub is a place where you can learn how to be a happy mother, love yourself and grow a great family. Quality of service and follow up are unique. I particularly enjoyed the wellbeing challenge with other mothers, and the support to getting a very good nanny to look after my baby with confidence and trust"

Alix, Benin

Manager, International organization

"| feel more confident to take up bigger roles at work"

"After this program, I have become a more competent manager at home hence | feel more confident to take up bigger roles at work. Any mother in consulting or in the News Room must definitely go through the CherishClub Mothers At Work program!"

Lilian, Kenya

Media Professional, International Development Organization

The Best Investment You Can Make In Your Organisation

Save Costs

Save money by avoiding high employee replacement costs. The costs to replace an employee can be as high as $1,500 for hourly employees, 100 to 150% of an employee's salary for technical positions, and up to 213% of an employee's salary for C-suite positions.

Don't forget the additional costs of recruiting, onboarding, training, and lost business opportunities.

Create A Positive Team Culture

Build a positive team culture that increases staff loyalty and engagement. By prioritizing staff happiness and supporting working parents, you create an environment where employees feel valued and motivated. A positive team culture leads to higher productivity and a virtuous cycle of success.

A positive team culture leads to higher productivity and a virtuous cycle of success.

Generate More Revenue & Profit

Maximize your team's productivity and deliver excellent service to retain customers. New employees take time to reach the productivity level of existing employees and may make more errors, potentially leading to customer loss.

Additionally, having a diverse executive team with high female representation can generate 14% more profit. Happy staff are 13% more productive and make better decisions. Enrich your leadership team and drive profitability starting today.

You’re in good company

We’ve helped many companies create diverse, equitable, inclusive workplaces


London, UK| Nairobi, Kenya |

Cotonou, Benin

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+229 69076640 (Whatsapp)

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